Hi Green Spotters. It's Summer which means hot weather, water, roadtrips and travel! We're here with tips to help keep your pets safe this Summer.         

Summer Weather Safety
Avoid heatstroke, heat stress and keep your dog cool this Summer. Learn to identify signs of, and avoid heat stress with your dog...       

  • These pets can be extra prone to heat stress: short-nosed dogs, older pets (can't regulate their body temp as well as younger pets), dark-coated dogs, overweight pets, dogs that "just don't know when to quit playing", outdoor cats
  • Brush your dog regularly to avoid matts and tangles.
  • Keep your cat inside (we're big fans of indoor cats here at TGS!)
  • Use cooling items like frozen toys, wet bandanas, sun shirts, cooling vests/coats, baby pools, fans, and seek shade.
  • Watch for these signs of heat stress: wide tongues, excessive drooling, brick red gums, fast panting, weakness/swaying while on their feet, collapsing, vomiting, uncoordinated movements, glazed over or glossy eyes, and fast heart rate.
  • Never leave a pet unattended in the car during the Summer.
  • Use cool, NEVER cold (you can shock the body with ice or cold water), to help your dog cool down. This can be achieved in a baby pool, hose run over your dog, cool wet towels laid on your dog and changed out for new towels often
  • Seek shade, and get inside to an air conditioned room.
  • If you think your dog has heatstroke, call your veterinarian or urgent care for assistance. A veterianarian may help cool your pet through iv fluids and other treatments.       

Keep those paws cool this Summer!      

  • Walk early or later in the day when it's cooler. Don't walk during the hottest part of the day: 1pm to 5pm
  • Avoid pavement if it's too hot (see the chart below). Walk in grass whenever possible.
  • Do the "hot paws test": Place the back of your hand on the pavement, if it's too hot to hold there for more than 5 seconds, it's too hot for paws!
  • Wet down concrete areas, provide a paddling/baby pool to cool paws in, and stay in shaded areas.
  • Enjoy indoor enrichment games and activities during the hottest days.


ID and Microchip Up to Date?   
Summer trip season is a good time to be sure your pet's ID collar or harness tags and Microchip registration are up to date. Did you move, change phone numbers, or maybe never register that microchip? Now is the perfect time to double check. At the Green Spot we offer on-the-spot custom ID tags in a wide array of fun styles - perfect for snagging before you leave town. Here are a few fun ideas & options for engraving on your pet's tags:         

  • *Name
  • *Phone Number
  • *City, State
  • "Alone = Lost"
  • "Reward for Return"
  • "Needs Meds"
  • "My mom is ugly crying"

Road-trip Checklist    
Here are our favorite items to bring on a road trip, from the essentials to the "nice-to-haves".         

  • Update ID tags and microchip registration info.
  • Bring vaccination and license documents. And have a photo of your pet readily available.
  • Food in an airtight container & water + 2 extra days of food & water. Food & water bowl.
  • Medications or supplements.
  • Use a carrier or crash tested harness seat belt for your dog or cat while in motion.
  • A favorite toy and bed/blanket.
  • First Aid Kit.
  • Extra leash.
  • Consider a martingale collar if your dog tends to be scared or is an escape artist (this collar snugs up when pulled on so the dog cannot slip out of their collar, but when properly fitted does not choke the dog).
  • Pet safe wipes & paper towel. Poop bags. A bath towel or two. Pet safe shampoo.
  • Litter box and fresh extra litter for cats.
  • Practice having your dog potty while on leash a few weeks ahead of your trip.
  • Pumpkin or Firm Up powder in a pouch in case of upset tummy. (Don't start new foods or treats while traveling).

Safety in the Car
We all started somewhere with our pets riding in the car - I used to let my dog roam the car, stand on my leg while I was driving and put her head out the window. Then I learned about safety items for my pet in the car! Wether around town or on a long roadtrip, the right gear for car rides is paramount to your dog or cat's safety. Dogs should wear a crash-tested harness with seat belt attachment, or be contained in a crate or carrier. Cats should be contained in a crate or carrier with the carrier seat belted to the seat if possible. If you travel often, and your dog is crated in the car, there are crash tested crates available such as the Ruffland Kennel that are a wonderful investment. Unrestrained pets can become projectiles during accidents, be ejected from the car, or even die in a collision.
PS. For pets that enjoy sniffing the air out the window, crack open a window for them. Sniffing new scents is fabulous mental enrichment, even when buckled into a harness or in a crate (their sense of smell is so good, they don't need to stick their head out to enjoy scents in the air).   

Water Safety
From toxic algae to ear infections!          

  • Take breaks and bring clean drinking water if at a lake or a pool.
  • Consider a life jacket for any dog. Especially for dogs that are not good swimmers or for older dogs. Always put a life jacket on your dog when on a boat or if away from shore.
  • Understand your dog's breed and swimming skill level.
  • Be sure your dog doesn't drink excessive amounts of lake, pool, or hose water. This can cause water intoxication and even death.
  • Be aware of water conditions; watch out for toxic algae and rough water. Toxic algae can kill a dog quickly. If you suspect your dog has injested toxic algae, wash them with fresh water asap, provide fresh water to drink, and head to a veterinarian. (photo of what toxic blue/green algae can look like below)
  • Clean ears with a natural, gentle ear cleaner and cotton balls, AFTER swimming, chomping at the hose, or playing in water. This will dry out the ear and help prevent ear infections.


Summer Pests
For all about flea and tick prevention for the warm months, read our blog post here: https://greenspotomaha.com/blog/flea-tick-prevention/           

Final Travel Reminders      

  • NEVER leave your pet in the car alone unattended in the Summer - cars heat up FAST! The a/c can even stop working if the car is not in motion on a hot day.
  • NEVER take your dog to potty off leash at rest stops. Even the best behaved dogs can get scared or lost when not in familiar surroundings.

Thanks for joining us for another blog post! If you have any questions about summer supplies or safety, please reach out to us at info@greenspotomaha.com     

The Green Spot is a family-owned, independent pet supply shop. We've been helping pet parents like you aid their pets to a better life via nutrition since 2012. We're glad you found us and hope you'll come into our store for a visit! Our inclusive events, supportive pet-parent community, and certified pet nutrition pros are what set us apart - thanks for supporting local!