Pain & Discomfort, things that we NEVER want for our pets. How can we identify pain and discomfort, and what do we do when we discover it? Follow our guide in this blog, and share with your friends and fam! Together, let's prevent and help alleviate pain and discomfort in our dogs and cats.
Possible Signs of Pain/Discomfort in Dogs & Cats:
⚡Difficulty or slowness in getting up after resting or from a laying position.
⚡Change in physical or psychological behavior can indicate pain. (ie stiffness, or a pet that growls or snaps) Pets experiencing sudden changes in physical or psychological behavior should see a veterinarian.
⚡Pets with behavioral concerns. If your dog shows concerning behaviors, training is great but a veterinarian visit is also essential to address any physical pain that may be occuring.
⚡Limping after exercise.
⚡Hesitation to climb steps or jump up on places they previously did. (note: these behaviors may also indicate eye sight changes)
⚡Excessive licking of a specific area on a leg or other body part.
⚡Tucked or out-of-the-usual body posture.
⚡You know your dog or cat best - if something seems "off" it could mean they are experiencing pain or discomfort!
What Can We Do to Relieve Pain and Discomfort?
🐾 Visit a holistic veterinarian for an exam and assessment. Treatment may include chiro adjustments, acupuncture, laser therapy, pain management and more.
🐾 Visit your pet's current veterinarian. Possible pain management medication trial based on your veterinarian's advice or diagnosis.
🐾 If your dog is prescribed a pain medication, you can support their liver function with a milk thistle supplement during and after they are taking the medication.
🐾 Consider visiting a rehab veterinarian to learn exercises that can help alieviate pain and strengthen muscles around joints. (as well as recover from procedures like ACL surgeries)
🐾 CBD can have big benefits and provide relief to pets who are experiencing inflammation. (*CBD should not be used in pets who have bleeding disorders)
🐾 Joint supplements for dogs and cats can provide relief and support for achy joints.
🐾 Herbal natural products can soothe pain and discomfort.
🐾 Sweaters and coats that cover shoulder and hip joints can provide warm relief for dogs' joints, especially in cold weather.
🐾 Self-warming or heated beds/blankets can provide comfort for dogs and cats with achy joints.
🐾 Lifestyle adjustments like ramps, carpet runners and rugs to prevent slipping on hard floors, more bed options in the home, low-sided litter boxes, diet adjustment, and anything else that makes life more comfortable for your pet.
🐾 Addition of fresh food in the diet can help lower inflamation in the body as a whole. Heavily processed diets can cause inflammation in the pet's body. Leafy green vegetables, fresh meat, and fish oils are some examples of anti-inflammatory foods. When feeding vegetables, be sure to finely mince them or even lightly cook, to make veggies more bio-avaiable to your dog.
At The Green Spot, we're here for you and your pets. Let us help you keep your dog or cat feeling their best! <3
*The Green Spot is not a veterinarian or veterinary facility. If your pet is experiencing pain, please see your veterinarian or urgent care center as soon as possible.